Being on top of developments on every client is a critical requirement for every field force in order to put up an ‘i-know-everything-that’s-happening-with-you’ face in front of clients. And then there are days when your best sales representative has been meeting client back to back for a couple of days, and when he walks into one of your key accounts, he’s caught unaware because technical issues have been disrupting services since that morning. In fact he is there to convince the client to upgrade and get add-on services – Ouch!! This surely is an embarrassing situation, both for your sales representative and your company. Such situations are unavoidable right? We beg to differ…
FieldSense brings – On-the-go Contextual communication for your field force.
FieldSense lets your team look up the latest information available on an account they’re going to meet – while on the field, FieldSense helps your field force stay on top of the latest developments on all accounts – so that they’ll never be caught off-guard with regards to any last minute changes. And, all this happens in absolute real-time!
FieldSense also enables you and field force to:
FieldSense – Turbo-charge your field force!
Service Type
Field Service Management Application With Powerful Web Dashboard
Provider Name
QuantumLink Communications Pvt Ltd,
208 Shreepal Complex, Suren Road,Andheri East, Mumbai-400093,
Telephone No.+91 (022) 4095-7700
All Over The World
FieldSense consists of an intuitive and simple mobile app along with a powerful web-based dashboard that come together to form a powerful sales force tracking, monitoring and reporting system.
FieldSense is all about effectively tracking your sales force and other field teams, to ensure that they use their time most productively while on the field. Along with providing your field force a number of convenient tools and workflows to let them handle their routine tasks and reporting activities – right from the field.
The FieldSense mobile app allows your field staff to perform virtually all their routine administrative tasks from field locations – submitting visit reports & expense reimbursement claims, scheduling field visits and recording visit outcomes and follow-up tasks, and best of all, to even punch into your attendance system at the start of the day and punch-out from their last visit location.
Your field staff can access the latest information on the customer, flag their meeting-status to ensure no distractions during that time, validate addresses, locations, contacts and more – along with complete location awareness.
The FieldSense web app lets managers and team leaders stay completely on top of their teams –locations, scheduled & completed visits, visit route plans, meeting outcomes and more, along with the ability to interact using closed-group instant messaging.
FieldSense also integrates convenient workflows for managing field expense reimbursements, and attendance management. And if you haven’t deployed a full fledged CRM-system, FieldSense can form the foundation – with more to come.
FieldSense is free to use for up to 25-users, so start using FieldSense now.
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